Source code for foldable_robotics.geometry

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Written by Daniel M. Aukes and CONTRIBUTORS
Email: danaukes<at>
Please see LICENSE for full license.
import numpy
import math

[docs]def close_to(a,b,tolerance=1e-5): result = ((a-b)**2)**.5 return result < tolerance
[docs]def distance(p1,p2): p1 = numpy.array(p1) p2 = numpy.array(p2) v = p2-p1 return(length(v))
[docs]def length(v1): ''' finds the length of a vector :param v1: the vector :type v1: tuple or list of floats :rtype: float ''' v1 = numpy.array(v1).flatten() l = (**.5 return l
[docs]def inner_angle(v1,v2): ''' finds the interior angle between two vectors :param v1: the first vector :type v1: tuple or list of floats :param v2: the second vector :type v2: tuple or list of floats :rtype: float ''' v1 = numpy.array(v1).flatten() l1 = length(v1) v2 = numpy.array(v2).flatten() l2 = length(v2) cost =,v2)/l1/l2 t = math.acos(cost) return t
[docs]def total_angle(v1,v2,v3=None): ''' finds the interior angle between two vectors :param v1: the first vector :type v1: tuple or list of floats :param v2: the second vector :type v2: tuple or list of floats :rtype: float ''' v1 = numpy.array(v1).flatten() if len(v1)==2: v1 = numpy.r_[v1,0] v3 = numpy.array([0,0,1]) v2 = numpy.array(v2).flatten() if len(v2)==2: v2 = numpy.r_[v2,0] v3 = numpy.array([0,0,1]) costheta =,v2) sintheta = numpy.cross(v1,v2) l_sintheta = length(sintheta) neg = if neg<0: neg = -1 else: neg=1 theta = math.atan2(neg*l_sintheta,costheta) return theta
[docs]def heal_polylines(lines, tolerance=1e-3): polylines=[] while len(lines)>0: polyline = [] polyline.append(lines.pop(0)) finding = True while finding: finding = False for ii in range(len(lines)): item = lines[ii] if distance(polyline[-1][1],item[0])<tolerance: polyline.append(item) lines.pop(ii) finding = True break elif distance(polyline[-1][1],item[-1])<tolerance: polyline.append(item[::-1]) lines.pop(ii) finding = True break polyline2 = numpy.array([item[0] for item in polyline]+[polyline[-1][-1]]) # polyline = numpy.array([item for segment in polyline for item in segment]) polylines.append(polyline2) print(len(lines)) return polylines
# def vec_error(v1,v2): # v1 = numpy.r_[v1] # v2 = numpy.r_[v2] # error = (v1-v2)**2 # error = error.sum() # error = error**.5 # return error
[docs]def slope_intercept(p1,p2): if len(p1)==2: p1 = numpy.r_[p1,0] else: p1 = numpy.r_[p1] if len(p2)==2: p2 = numpy.r_[p2,0] else: p2 = numpy.r_[p2] v = p2-p1 l = (**.5 n = v/l p = numpy.cross(p1,n) i = numpy.cross(p,n) return tuple(n[:2]),tuple(i[:2])
[docs]def interior(seg,p): pA1,pA2 = seg pA1 = numpy.r_[pA1] pA2 = numpy.r_[pA2] p = numpy.r_[p] vA = pA2-pA1 lA = length(vA) v = p-pA1 l = length(v) if lA==0: return-1,lA if l==0: return l,lA nA = vA/lA n = v/l d = n *=d l *=d return l,lA
[docs]def colinear_segment_interior_points(segA,segB,tolerance=1e-5): ''' requires that you check slope and intercept first Parameters ---------- (pA1,pA2) : TYPE DESCRIPTION. (pB1,pB2) : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- interior : TYPE DESCRIPTION. ''' (pA1,pA2) = segA (pB1,pB2) = segB lB1,lA = interior(segA,pB1) lB2,lA = interior(segA,pB2) interiors = [] if lB1<tolerance or close_to(lB1,0,tolerance): if lB2<tolerance or close_to(lB2,0,tolerance): pass elif lB2<lA-tolerance: interiors = [pA1,pB2] else: #lB>lA interiors = [pA1,pA2] elif lB1<lA-tolerance: if lB2<tolerance or close_to(lB2,0,tolerance): interiors = [pA1,pB1] elif lB2<lA-tolerance: interiors = [pB1,pB2] else: #lB>lA interiors = [pB1,pA2] else: if lB2<tolerance or close_to(lB2,0,tolerance): interiors = [pA1,pA2] elif lB2<lA-tolerance: interiors = [pB2,pA2] else: #lB>lA pass return interiors
if __name__=='__main__': a = [(0,0),(1,1),(1,0),(0,0)] # a = numpy.array(a) # a = numpy.hstack((a,a[:,0:1]*0)) for p1,p2 in zip(a[:-1],a[1:]): n,i = slope_intercept(p1,p2) print('n:',n,'i:',i)