Source code for foldable_robotics.gmsh_support

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Feb 14 15:03:43 2019

@author: danaukes

import subprocess
import numpy        
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import shapely
import shapely.geometry as sg
from foldable_robotics.layer import Layer
from foldable_robotics.laminate import Laminate
import meshio
import idealab_tools.plot_tris
import numpy
import os

[docs]class GmshObject(object): ii = 0
[docs] def assign_id(self): type(self).ii+=1 = type(self).ii
[docs]class Point(GmshObject): def __init__(self,x,y,z,p): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.p = p self.assign_id()
[docs] def comp(self): return self.x,self.y,self.z,self.p
[docs] def string(self): my_string = '//+\nPoint({0:d}) = {5}{1:.3f},{2:.3f},{3:.3f},{4:.3f}{6};\n'.format(,self.x,self.y,self.z,self.p,'{','}') return my_string
[docs]class Line(GmshObject): def __init__(self,p1,p2): self.p1 = p1 self.p2 = p2 self.assign_id()
[docs] def string(self): my_string = '//+\nLine({0:d}) = {{{1:d},{2:d}}};\n'.format(,, return my_string
[docs]class Loop(GmshObject): def __init__(self,*lines): self.lines = lines self.assign_id()
[docs] def string(self): a = ['{0:d}'.format( for line in self.lines] b = ','.join(a) my_string = '//+\nLine Loop({0:d}) = {{{1}}};\n'.format(,b) return my_string
[docs]class Surface(GmshObject): def __init__(self,loop): self.loop = loop self.assign_id()
[docs] def string(self): my_string = '//+\nPlane Surface({0:d}) = '.format('{'+'{0:d}'.format('};\n' return my_string
[docs]class Extrude(GmshObject): def __init__(self,surface,t): self.surface = surface self.t = t self.assign_id()
[docs] def string(self): my_string = '//+\nExtrude {'+'0,0,{0:.3f}'.format(self.t)+'} {\n Surface{'+'{0:d}'.format('};\n}\n' return my_string
[docs] def extruded_points(self): tuples = [line.p1.comp() for line in self.surface.loop.lines] tuples = [(x,y,z+self.t,p) for x,y,z,p in tuples] return tuples
[docs]class Coherence(GmshObject): def __init__(self,l1_volumes,l2_volumes): self.l1_volumes = l1_volumes self.l2_volumes = l2_volumes self.assign_id()
[docs] def string(self): a=['Volume{{{0}}}'.format( for item in self.l1_volumes] aa = '; '.join(a) b=['Volume{{{0}}}'.format( for item in self.l2_volumes] bb = '; '.join(b) my_string = '''//+ r()=BooleanFragments{{ {0}; Delete; }}{{ {1}; Delete; }}; // Printf("resulting geometries: ", r()); // Printf("size of r: ",#r()); '''.format(aa,bb) return my_string
[docs]class GeoFile(object): template = ''' SetFactory("OpenCASCADE"); Geometry.LineNumbers = 0; Geometry.SurfaceNumbers = 0; ''' def __init__(self,characteristic_len_min = None,characteristic_len_max = None): self.points = [] self.lines = [] self.loops = [] self.surfaces = [] self.extrusions= [] self.layer_coherence = [] self.characteristic_len_min = characteristic_len_min self.characteristic_len_max = characteristic_len_max
[docs] def string(self): a='' if not not self.characteristic_len_min: a += ' Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = {0:f};\n'.format(self.characteristic_len_min) if not not self.characteristic_len_max: a += ' Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = {0:f};\n'.format(self.characteristic_len_max) b = ''.join([point.string() for point in self.points]) c = ''.join([line.string() for line in self.lines]) d = ''.join([loop.string() for loop in self.loops]) e = ''.join([surface.string() for surface in self.surfaces]) f = ''.join([extrusion.string() for extrusion in self.extrusions]) g = ''.join([item.string() for item in self.layer_coherence]) return self.template+a+b+c+d+e+f+g
[docs] def point_tuples(self): return [item.comp() for item in self.points]
[docs] def make_mesh(self,delete_files=True): with open('output.geo','w') as f: f.writelines(self.string()) string = 'gmsh output.geo -3 -format msh' # p = subprocess.Popen(string,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) p = subprocess.Popen(string) p.wait() mesh_file = 'output.msh' data = if delete_files: os.remove('output.msh') os.remove('output.geo') return data
[docs]def laminate_to_geo(lam,layer_thickness,characteristic_len_min = None,characteristic_len_max = None): z=0 # t = 1 geofile = GeoFile(characteristic_len_min,characteristic_len_max) extrusions_by_layer = [] for layer,t in zip(lam,layer_thickness): extrusions = [] for geo in layer.geoms: if isinstance(geo,sg.Polygon): xy = list(geo.exterior.coords) xyzp = [(coord[0],coord[1],z,1) for coord in xy] points = [Point(*item) for item in xyzp] lines = [Line(ii,jj) for ii,jj in zip(points[:-1],points[1:])] # lines.append(Line(points[-1],points[0])) loop = Loop(*[line for line in lines]) surface = Surface(loop) extrusion = Extrude(surface,t) extrusions.append(extrusion) geofile.points.extend(points) geofile.lines.extend(lines) geofile.loops.append(loop) geofile.surfaces.append(surface) geofile.extrusions.append(extrusion) extrusions_by_layer.append(extrusions) z+=t for ext1,ext2 in zip(extrusions_by_layer[:-1],extrusions_by_layer[1:]): geofile.layer_coherence.append(Coherence(ext1,ext2)) return geofile
if __name__=='__main__': tri = sg.Polygon([(0,0),(1,0),(1,1)]) tri circle = sg.Point(0,0).buffer(.5) circle square =,-1,-.25,1) lam = Laminate(Layer(circle),Layer(tri,square)) lam = lam.simplify(.001) lam.plot(new=True) geofile = laminate_to_geo(lam,[.1,.1],.05,.05) data = geofile.make_mesh() #print(geofile.string()) quads = data.cells['tetra'] tris = data.cells['triangle'] points = data.points face_colors = numpy.array([(1,0,0,.5) for item in tris]) idealab_tools.plot_tris.plot_tris(points,tris,face_colors=face_colors,draw_edges=True, edge_color= (0,0,0,1)) ## centroid = points[quads].sum(1) ## ii = (centroid[:,2]<1).nonzero()[0] # tet_z_values = points[quads][:,:,2] # ii=(((tet_z_values>=1)*(tet_z_values<=2)).sum(1)==4).nonzero()[0] # tri_filt = numpy.array([[0,1,2],[1,2,3],[2,3,0],[3,0,1]]) # tris2 = quads[ii,:] # tris2 = tris2[:,tri_filt] # tris2 = tris2.reshape((-1,3)) # face_colors2 = numpy.array([(1,0,0,.5) for item in tris2]) ## # idealab_tools.plot_tris.plot_tris(points,tris2,face_colors=face_colors2,draw_edges=True, edge_color = (0,0,0,1)) #