Source code for foldable_robotics.pdf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Feb  7 20:34:27 2018

@author: danaukes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Feb  7 17:24:29 2018

@author: danaukes

import cairo

ppi = 72
ppmm = 72/25.4

page_width = 40
page_height = 28

[docs]class Page(object): ''' This class defines a pdf page, which can hold vector geometry. ''' def __init__(self,filename='output.pdf',width=page_width,height=page_height): ''' Initialize a Page class :param filename: desired output filename. defaults to 'output.pdf' :type filename: string :param width: width of the page, in inches :type width: float :param height: height of the page, in inches :type height float :rtype: Page instance ''' surface = cairo.PDFSurface(filename, page_width*ppi, page_height*ppi) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) ctx.scale (1, -1) ctx.translate (0, -page_height*ppi) self._surface = surface self._context = ctx
[docs] def draw_poly(self,poly,line_color = (0,0,0,1),line_width=.01,fill_color=(0,0,0,1)): ''' Draw a closed polygon. :param poly: describes each vertex of the polygon. :type poly: list of tuples :param line_color: line color in (r,g,b,a) format. :type line_color: tuple of floats :param line_width: width of the line :type line_width: float :param fill_color: color of the polygon interior, in (r,g,b,a) format :type line_width: tuple of floats :rtype: None ''' pt = poly.pop(0) self._context.move_to(*pt) # lastpt = pt # for pt in poly: # pt1x = (lastpt[0]*2+pt[0])/3 # pt1y = (lastpt[1]*2+pt[1])/3 # pt2x = (lastpt[0]+2*pt[0])/3 # pt2y = (lastpt[1]+2*pt[1])/3 # self._context.curve_to(pt1x,pt1y,pt2x,pt2y,*pt) # lastpt = pt for pt in poly: self._context.line_to(*pt) self._context.close_path () self._context.set_source_rgba(*line_color) self._context.set_line_width(line_width) self._context.stroke()
[docs] def draw_linestring(self,geom,line_color = (0,0,0,1),line_width=.01,fill_color=(0,0,0,1)): ''' Draw an open linestring. :param poly: describes each vertex of the linestring. :type poly: list of tuples :param line_color: line color in (r,g,b,a) format. :type line_color: tuple of floats :param line_width: width of the line :type line_width: float :param fill_color: color of the linestring interior, in (r,g,b,a) format :type line_width: tuple of floats :rtype: None ''' coords = list(geom.coords) pt = coords.pop(0) self._context.move_to(*pt) # lastpt = pt # for pt in poly: # pt1x = (lastpt[0]*2+pt[0])/3 # pt1y = (lastpt[1]*2+pt[1])/3 # pt2x = (lastpt[0]+2*pt[0])/3 # pt2y = (lastpt[1]+2*pt[1])/3 # self._context.curve_to(pt1x,pt1y,pt2x,pt2y,*pt) # lastpt = pt for pt in geom: self._context.line_to(*pt) # self._context.close_path() self._context.set_source_rgba(*line_color) self._context.set_line_width(line_width) self._context.stroke()
[docs] def close(self): ''' close the surface :rtype: None ''' self._surface.finish()